Holy Communion: 10:00am Sundays
Worship at the Old Cathedral is approached with a straightforward reverence for God. We use traditional Anglican services with creativity and flexibility. We sing hymns accompanied by our fine pipe organ and listen to choral music sung by our professional vocal ensemble, The Old Cathedral Voices. All services are easy to follow, supplied in one booklet.
Children begin worship with the rest of the congregation in the church and then depart about 10 minutes after the service begins. They participate in the next parts of the service (confession, prayer, bible stories) at an age-appropriate level before we all gather again for Holy Communion. (Childsafe policy: Children's Chapel is supervised at all times by two unrelated adults with current Working With Children checks.)
A room is available at the back of the church for parents who need some privacy. There is also a changing table by the toilets in the conference centre. Parents are welcome to nurse their infants wherever they feel comfortable.
Sunday Service is also streamed on our YouTube Channel.
Ten-Minute Prayers: Three times daily
Go to zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting", and enter meeting code: 597-917-6529
You may have to wait for someone to admit you from the waiting room.
Monday to Friday Meetings:
8:30-8:40am Morning Prayer
5:30-5:40pm Evening Prayer
9:00-9:10pm The Great Litany and Bedtime Prayers
Ministry Staff
Canon Matt Williams (Vicar)
Rev. Mike Raiter
Ms. Bei-En Zou
On-Site Manager
Ms. Lisa Wardell
Building Location
Cnr King & Batman Sts
West Melbourne 3003
Community Location
Zoom Room 597-917-6529.
T 03 9329 0903
E office@sjoc.org.au
Service in Church / YouTube:
Sundays at 10:00 am
Monday to Friday:
8:30 am: Morning Prayer
9:00 pm: Litany, Bedtime Prayer