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Baptism may be administered in an emergency in a home, hospital or other similar place.
An emergency would be a situation in which there was reasonable doubt the person will live to be baptised after restrictions are lifted. Please contact the minister to discuss how.


As soon as practicable (when public gatherings are permitted), it is expected that such a baptism would be regularised with public declaration and welcome in a church service.


St James' Old Cathedral baptises from the ancient font of St Katherine's Abbey, London, which was demolished in the nineteenth century. Governor La Trobe's friends arranged for him to bring the font to Melbourne as a gift to the new colony in 1845.


Baptism is the gift of our Lord Jesus Christ, who commanded his followers to go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Baptism with water signifies the cleansing from sin that Jesus’ death makes possible, and the new life God gives us through the Holy Spirit. The promises of God are visibly signed and sealed for us. We are joined to Christ, and made members of his body, the Church.


Baptism is a covenant in which we also make promises: that we will strive to live as a disciple of Christ, loving God with our whole hearts, and our neighbours as ourselves. Because the welcome of God is for adults and children alike, parents can also make those promises on behalf of their children. When those children are of age, they may indicate their resolution to take on those promises for themselves through the rite of confirmation.


Baptism is a sacred gift of God and we will not ask money for it. We only ask that you be sincere in your intention as you affirm your trust in Jesus and make promises before God. Because baptism marks admission into the fellowship of God's people, all services of baptism are conducted within our main 10 am Sunday worship. Please arrange the date in advance with the vicar before making family arrangements as not all dates are possible.




Ministry Staff

Canon Matt Williams (Vicar)
Rev. Mike Raiter

Ms. Bei-En Zou

Ms. Bridget Penington

Dr. Callum Dawson

On-Site Manager
Ms. Lisa Wardell


Building Location

Cnr King & Batman Sts
West Melbourne 3003


Community Location
Zoom Room 597-917-6529.


T 03 9329 0903


Service in Church / YouTube:
Sundays at 10:00 am


Services on Zoom

Monday to Friday:
8:30 am: Morning Prayer
5:30 pm: Evening Prayer
9:00 pm: Litany, Bedtime Prayer


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