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If you have sought out this page, you have probably experienced or are facing some great sadness or loss. We understand it can be difficult to think clearly at this time, and will endeavour to provide any assistance we can with gentleness and sensitivity.


If you would like a funeral service to be held at St James' Old Cathedral, please contact the vicar as soon as possible. We will be able to liaise with your chosen funeral director to resolve most logistical issues without needing to trouble you, and our time with you will focus on your pastoral support and the planning of the service itself.


The fees applicable are on the file attached. For simplicity, these can often be handled through your chosen funeral director.


Ministry Staff

Canon Matt Williams (Vicar)
Rev. Mike Raiter

Ms. Bei-En Zou

Ms. Bridget Penington

Dr. Callum Dawson

On-Site Manager
Ms. Lisa Wardell


Building Location

Cnr King & Batman Sts
West Melbourne 3003


Community Location
Zoom Room 597-917-6529.


T 03 9329 0903


Service in Church / YouTube:
Sundays at 10:00 am


Services on Zoom

Monday to Friday:
8:30 am: Morning Prayer
5:30 pm: Evening Prayer
9:00 pm: Litany, Bedtime Prayer


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