Home Group (suspended until further notice)
On Tuesday evenings some members of the church gather at our vicar's house for a loosely structured time together. We start about 6:30pm and finish by 9:00pm, but individuals come when they can and go when they must.
We eat dinner and catch up on each other's lives, we might get into deep conversation about current topics, sing hymns around the piano, discuss a bible passage and pray. Sometimes we are all together, sometimes we break into smaller groups. Children are welcome too.
The group is intended to be a joy and not a burden, so we don't ask for regular commitment, but love to see people as often as possible.
If you would like to join in, please contact the vicar for details.
Ministry Staff
Canon Matt Williams (Vicar)
Rev. Mike Raiter
Ms. Bei-En Zou
On-Site Manager
Ms. Lisa Wardell
Building Location
Cnr King & Batman Sts
West Melbourne 3003
Community Location
Zoom Room 597-917-6529.
T 03 9329 0903
E office@sjoc.org.au
Service in Church / YouTube:
Sundays at 10:00 am
Monday to Friday:
8:30 am: Morning Prayer
5:30 pm: Evening Prayer
9:00 pm: Litany, Bedtime Prayer